Here you’ll find our weekly Unsolicited and Under-Informed Opinions about the latest soccer news, as well as our longer deep dives into the history and design of crests, clubs, and tifos from teams all around the world.

Maria Li Maria Li

Doug Cress, 1970s Soccer USA

This week on The Footy Museum Podcast, we welcome Doug Cress. Doug runs the enormously popular facebook page, 1970s Soccer USA, where he posts daily about the supernova era of the NASL and MISL.

We talk with Doug about his experience as a sports journalist on the soccer beat for the Washington Post, the rise and fall of the NASL, and how MLS echos the past while paving a new way forward. Doug also shares what he thinks is the true lasting impact of the NASL, and how it reshaped global sports.

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Podcast The Footy Podcast The Footy

Is it Football or is it Soccer? Unraveling the Origins and Cultural Clash

Join us on this episode of the Footy Museum Podcast as we dive deep into the age-old question: is it soccer or football? Justin and Maria explore the history of the terms, their origins in England, and how they've evolved in the United States. Discover why this seemingly simple debate has sparked such passionate discussions. From the early days of the sport to the modern-day MLS, we uncover the cultural and historical factors that have shaped the way Americans perceive and embrace the beautiful game.

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